Workshop Progress

Well, due to a lot of other obligations, I haven’t really begun building the -10 in earnest yet.  But that is about to change!

Part of the “other obligations” has been to improve the workshop so I can work in relative comfort year round, in order to hopefully reduce the total build time.  This has involved lots of amateur carpentry, drywalling, electrical installation, and in general plenty of relatively satisfying work.  I only have a few items left before I can start finishing the tail kit and order the wing kit.

Some highlights:

New large doors (for getting big pieces in and out of the shop–this will be the main exit for the fuselage once it is done)



Ceiling mounted utilities including compressed air and electricity. Plus, LOTS of LIGHT.  21 can lights to provide warm incandescent list (3 switched zones to save power) and banks of fluorescent tubes mounted in the ceiling corners to provide bright flooding light.


A whiteboard for lists, calculations, sketches, etc.


Looking toward the main work area


In general, the shop is now (or will soon  be) warm, draft free, and almost outfitted for work.  I have to finish the ceiling insulation, build some shelves, and move the lathe and mill in (that may be able to wait a bit) and things will be good to go.

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